【JLPT N5 Grammar】〜てはいけません(~tewa ikemasen)
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"You must not do..."
Used to indicate prohibition, meaning "you must not" or "you cannot" do something. It is used to tell someone that a particular action is not allowed.

V(Te-form) + はいけません


  1. Prohibition: "〜てはいけません" is used to prohibit an action or behavior, often in formal or polite contexts.
  2. Politeness: This structure is polite and can be used when speaking to someone you don't know well or in formal situations.
  3. Verb Conjugation: The verb is conjugated to its Te-form (〜て), followed by "はいけません" to complete the prohibition.

JLPT Level

The particle "の" is always used before this grammar pattern.The causal way is "〜じゃいけない"/ “〜ちゃいけない".


のんではいけません のんじゃいけない
たべてはいけません たべちゃいけない
コピーしてはいけません コピーしちゃいけない

Sample sentenes

飛行機ひこうきの なかで、タバコを てはいけません
You must not smoke inside the airplane.

You must not shoot in the cinema.

図書館としょかんでは おおきな こえで はなてはいけません
You must not talk loudly in the library.

未成年みせいねんは おさけ をではいけません
A minor must not drink liquor.

この 美術館びじゅつかんでは に てはいけません
You must not touch the paintings in this art museum.

テストちゅうに 辞書じしょを 使つかてはいけません
You must not use the dictionary during the examination.

このかわで およではいけません
You must not swim in this river.


Japanese English
さつえいする to shoot
こえ voice
はなす to talk
みせいねん minor
びじゅつかん art museum
ふれる to touch

