【JLPT N5 Grammar】〜まえに(~maeni)


"before / ago"
X まえに Y:It indicates that the event Y takes place the event X.
Used to indicate that one action occurs before another. It is similar to "before" in English, and it connects two events, with the first one happening prior to the second.

V(dictionary form)+ まえに
N + のまえに
N(period) + まえに

V(dictionary form)+ まえに たべるまえに:before eating
N + のまえに しょくじのまえ:before meals
N(period) + まえに 5ねんまえに:5 years ago


  1. Time Sequence: "〜まえに" is used to specify that one action or event takes place before another.
  2. Verbs and Nouns: The expression can follow verbs or nouns. When following a verb, the verb is in its dictionary form, and when following a noun, it uses "の" before "まえに."
  3. Simple and Common: It is a commonly used structure in both formal and informal contexts.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

学校がっこうへ まえに シャワーをびます。
I shower before I go to school.

る まえに を みがきます。
I brush my teeth before I sleep.

いえに かえる まえに 喫茶店きっさてんで コーヒーを みます。
I will drink coffee at the cafe before I go home.

食事しょくじの まえに を あらいます。
I wash my hands before every meal.

テストを はじめる まえ名前なまえを いてください。
Please write down your name before you start the exam.

旅行りょこうの まえ、ガイドブックを います。
I will buy a tour guidebook before I travel.

ねんまえに 日本にほんへ ました。
I came to Japan 2 years ago.

山本やまもとさんは 1時間じかんまえに かえりました。
Yamamoto went home an hour ago.


Japanese English
あびる to take (a shower)
みがく to brush
きっさてんん coffee shop
