【JLPT N5 Grammar】〜ながら(~nagara)
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Used to indicate that two actions are happening simultaneously. It is often translated as "while" or "as" in English and expresses that the first action is performed continuously as the second action takes place. The subject of both actions is typically the same.

V(masu form)ます + ながら


  1. Simultaneity: Describes two actions happening at the same time, with the main focus on the second action.
  2. Same Subject: The subject for both actions is generally the same.
  3. Verb Structure: The verb before "ながら" is in its ます-stem form (without the "ます").

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

わたしは たいてい 音楽おんがくを ながら 勉強べんきょうします。
I usually study while listening to music.

喫茶店きっさてんで、ほんを ながら 友達ともだちを ちます。
I will wait for my friend at the cafe while reading a book.

教科書きょうかしょの ぶんを ながらってください。
Please read the textbook out loud.

運転うんてんながら スマホを 使つかってはいけません。
People must not use their cell phone while driving.

トムさんは ギターを ながら うたえますか。
Can Tom sing a song while playing the guitar?

ちょっと コーヒーでも ながら はなしませんか。
Would you like to talk while drinking some coffee or something else?


Japanese English
きっさてん coffee shop
きょうかしょ textbook
うんてんする to drive
ひく to play

