【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜おわる(~owaru)
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"finish doing"
Used to indicate the completion of an action. When attached to a verb stem, it emphasizes that an action has been fully carried out to the end.

V(masu form)ます + おわる


  1. Action Completion: "〜おわる" highlights the conclusion of an action, emphasizing that nothing was left unfinished.
  2. Everyday Use: It's frequently used in casual and conversational Japanese, often related to tasks, activities, or habitual actions.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

はんを わったら、シャワーを びます。
I will shower after I finish eating my meal.

作文さくぶんを わったひとは かえってもいいです。
Those who are already finished writing the essay may go home.

わったら、ペットボトルは こちらに ててください。
Please throw away your pet bottle here when you are finished drinking.

パソコンを 使つかわったら、シャットダウンしてください。
Please shut down when you finish using your computer.

このほん、 わったので してあげるよ。
I will lend you this book because I finished reading it.

使つかわったら、もとの 場所ばしょに もどしておいてください。
Please return it to where you found it when you finish using it.


Japanese English
さくぶん essay
すてる to throw away
もどす to return
