【JLPT N5 Grammar】XはYです(~wa ~desu)
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"X is Y"

Used as a basic sentence structure to describe or define something in a polite and straightforward way. It translates as "is" or "am/are" in English, making it one of the most essential phrases for beginners learning Japanese.

The particle "は" is topic marker, so before "は" indicates the topic of the sentence. "です(desu)" is "is/am/are" in English.  This is used with nouns or adjectives and works as a predicate


[Noun X] は [Noun Y] です: This structure simply states "X is Y" in a polite form.

Example: わたしは がくせいです。(I am a student.)


  1. Polite Affirmation: Used to affirm that something is something else in a polite manner.
  2. Basic Sentence Structure: This pattern is foundational in Japanese, often the first taught to express simple, polite statements.
  3. Structure: Follows the pattern [X] は [Y] です, where [X] is the subject and [Y] is the description or identity of [X].

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

わたしは アメリカじんです
I am American.

わたしは 医者いしゃです
I am a doctor.

彼女かのじょは 主婦しゅふです
She is a housewife.

かれは 25さいです
He is 25 years old.

ジョンさんは 会社員かいしゃいんです
Mr.John is a company employee.


Japanese English
いしゃ doctor
しゅふ housewife
かいしゃいん company employee
