"Which is more ~ ?"
Used in Japanese to compare two items, X and Y, and ask which one is more or has a certain quality. It translates to "Which is more ~, X or Y?" or "Between X and Y, which is ~?"
N1と N2と どちらが Adjectiveですか。
- Comparison Structure: This phrase is used to directly compare two options, allowing the speaker to ask about their relative qualities.
- Choice of Particle "と": The particle "と" connects the two items being compared.
- Question Format: The phrase ends with "どちらが〜ですか," indicating a choice between A and B regarding a specific attribute (e.g., bigger, better, etc.).
fa-check-circleJLPT Level
Sample sentenes
A:日本料理と 韓国料理と どちらが 好きですか。
B:韓国料理のほうが 好きです。
A:Which do you like better, Japanese food or Korean food?
B:Korean food does.
A:野球と サッカーと どちらが おもしろいですか。
B:サッカーのほうが おもしろいです。
A:Which is more interesting for you, baseball or soccer?
B:Soccer is.
A:アメリカと 中国と どちらが 大きいですか。
B:中国のほうが 大きいです。
A:Which is bigger America or China?
B:China is.
Japanese | English |
すき | like |
やきゅう | baseball |
ちゅうごく | China |