"why don't you ~ ? / How about doing ~ ?"
Used to give suggestions or advice in a gentle or indirect manner. It often implies a sense of encouragement without being overly forceful, making it suitable for offering friendly advice or recommendations.
V(ta form)+ らどうですか
- Suggestion or Advice: "〜たらどうですか" is used to suggest that someone might benefit from trying or considering something.
- Gentle Tone: It is softer and less direct than commands or strong recommendations, making it polite and approachable.
- Casual Use: Commonly used in everyday conversation when giving advice to friends, family, or colleagues.
fa-check-circleJLPT Level
fa-check-circleUsage Notes
- Politeness Level: This expression is polite but casual. To make it more formal, "〜たらいかがですか" can be used instead, adding a layer of politeness.
- Softer than Direct Commands: "〜たらどうですか" suggests an action without pressuring the listener, so it’s often preferred in situations where you want to maintain a friendly tone or avoid being too direct.
- Comparison: This expression is more indirect than "〜たほうがいい" (you’d better), which gives stronger advice and can sound more assertive.
Sample sentenes
A:日本人の 友達が 欲しい。
B:じゃあ、交流イベントに 参加したら どうですか。
A:I want Japanese friends.
B: So, why don’t you join a networking event?
A:さっきから 頭が 痛いんです。
B:じゃあ、 家に 帰ったら どうですか。
A:I have had a headache since a while ago.
B: So, why don’t you go home?
A:安くて おしゃれな 服が 欲しいんだけど、どこか いい店 知ってる?
B:うーん、トムさんに 聞いてみたらどう?
A: I want cheap and stylish clothes, do you know some good shops?
B:Hmmm, Why don’t you ask Tom?
A:忙しくて 勉強する時間が 全然ない。
B:じゃあ、バイトを やめたらどう?
A:I don’t have time to study at all.
B:So, why don’t you quit your part-time job?
Japanese | English |
こうりゅう | interaction |
イベント | event |
さんかする | to join |
おしゃれ | stylish |
バイト | part time job |