【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜つづける(~tsuzukeru)
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"continue to do"
Used to indicate that an action continues over time without stopping or is repeated over and over. It emphasizes the persistence or ongoing nature of an action, often implying a sense of determination, endurance, or routine.

V(masu form)ます + つづける


  1. Ongoing Action: "〜つづける" emphasizes the continued or repeated nature of an action.
  2. Sense of Continuity: It conveys the idea that the action occurs repeatedly or without interruption.
  3. Determination or Habit: This expression can imply that the person performing the action does so with effort, persistence, or as part of a habit.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

わたしは 5年以上ねんいじょう このかばんを 使つかつづけています
I have used this bag continuously for more than 5 years already.

おとといから ずっと あめが つづいています
It has rained continuously since the day before yesterday.

わたしは このまちが きですから、 日本語学校にほんごがっこうを 卒業そつぎょうしても ずっと ここに つづけるつもりです
Even if I graduate from this school, I am going to continue living here for good because I like this town.

トムさんは 1時間前じかんまえから ずっと はなつづけています
Tom has been talking continuously since an hour ago.


Japanese English
いじょう more than
おととい the day before yesterday
そつぎょうする to graduate
