【JLPT N4 Grammar】number + も(~mo)
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Explanation:number + も

"as many as"

The expression "〜も" following a number emphasizes a surprising amount or quantity. It adds an element of surprise or emphasis on the high quantity or degree of the action or item. In English, this might be translated as “as much as,” “as many as,” or “even.”

number + counter +  も


  1. Emphasis on Quantity: "〜も" following a number highlights that the quantity is unusually large or impressive.
  2. Surprise or Exaggeration: Often used to express the speaker's surprise or to emphasize an unusually large number or amount.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

昨日きのうは 10時間じかん てしまいました。
I slept as many as ten hours yesterday,

トムさんは カメラを 5だい っています。
Tom has as many as 5 cameras.

ジョンさんは 10ねん 日本語にほんごを 勉強べんきょうしています。
John has been studying Japanese for as long as 10 years.

ジェームスさんは 1にちに 5かい ごはんを べます。
James eats food as often as 5 times in a day.

田中たなかさんは 100さつ 漫画まんがを っています。
Tanaka has as many as 100 comics.


Japanese English
まんが comic
