【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜し、〜し(~shi ~shi)
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"because .... and .... / and, besides"

Used to list reasons or examples in a sentence, often to explain multiple causes or points. It adds emphasis to reasons for a statement, similar to "and" or "not only... but also" in English.

V(plain form)+ し
イA(plain form) + し
ナA(plain form) + し
N(plain form) + し


  1. Reason or Example Listing: "〜し〜し" introduces multiple reasons or examples to explain why something is the case.
  2. Casual to Polite Range: The expression can be used in both casual and polite speech.
  3. Flexible Usage: It’s commonly used in casual conversation to elaborate on one’s feelings, reasons, or to justify an opinion.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

このみせは しずかだ料理りょうりもおいしい、よく るんです。
This place is quiet, the food is good, so I often come here.

先生せんせいは かっこいい、おもしろい人気にんきがあります。
My teacher is cool, interesting and popular.

今日きょうは あつ、 あめりそうだ、 ジョギングはやめよう。
Its hot today and It looks like that it will rain, so I will not go jogging.

トムさんは たかし、 やさしい わたしの理想りそうひとです。
Tom is tall and kind, so he is my ideal person.

漢字かんじは おおし、 文法ぶんぽうむずかしいし、 私は 日本語がきらいです。
Japanese has a lot of kanji and grammar is difficult. I dont like Japanese language.

あたまいたし、 ねつもあるし、今日きょうは かいに 参加さんかできません。
I have a headache and a fever, so I cant attend todays drinking party.


Japanese English
かっこいい good looking
あめがふる to rain
せが たかい tall
りそう ideal
ぶんぽう grammar
ねつ fever
のみかい drinking party
さんかする to join / to attend

