"by all means"
This expresses a strong desire, encouragement, or recommendation to do something. It is often translated as “by all means,” “please,” or “definitely” in English and emphasizes eagerness or insistence. It’s commonly used in both spoken and written Japanese to add emphasis, especially when making requests, invitations, or offering suggestions.
- Expresses Strong Desire: “ぜひ” is used when there’s a strong hope or wish for something to happen.
- Encouragement or Recommendation: Often used to encourage or persuade someone to take action.
- Polite Invitations or Requests: Adds politeness and emphasis to invitations or requests.
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Sample sentenes
ぜひ 今度 うちへ 遊びに 来てください。
Please do come to my house
A:来週 京都へ 行きませんか。 京都には 古い お寺が たくさんありますよ。
B:はい、ぜひ 行きたいです。
A:Would you like to go to Kyoto next week. There are many old temples there.
B: Yes, I really want to go.
A:次の 土曜日、みんなでUSJに 行きませんか。とても 楽しいですよ。
A: Would you like to go to USJ on next Saturday? It will be very fun.
B: Sure, I really want to go.
Japanese | English |
こんど | next time |
ふるい | old |
おてら | temple |
たくさん | many |
どようび | Saturday |
たのしい | fun |