【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜だす(~dasu)
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"suddenly start to"

Used to indicate the sudden start or emergence of an action. It often conveys that something happened unexpectedly or abruptly. It is similar to "suddenly start to" or "burst into" in English.

V(masu form)ます + だす


  1. Sudden Start: "〜だす" suggests that an action or state begins suddenly or unexpectedly.
  2. Spontaneous or Uncontrollable: The action expressed by the verb often feels spontaneous or out of the speaker's control.
  3. Can Be Positive or Negative: Depending on the verb used, "〜だす" can describe both pleasant and unpleasant occurrences.

JLPT Level

This grammar pattern cannot be used to express speaker's volition.

Sample sentenes

かれは とつぜん、わらだした
He suddenly started laughing.

学校がっこうを たら 突然とつぜん あめが した
When I went out, it suddenly began to rain.

そのおとこは わたしの かおを ると 突然とつぜん した
That boy suddenly began to cry when he saw my face.

ジェームスさんは 漫画まんがを んでいて とつぜん おおきな こえで わらした
James was reading comics then he suddenly began to laugh loudly.

まっていた 電車でんしゃが きゅうに うごしました
The train that stopped suddenly began to move.

そのおとこは 警察官けいさつかんを ると きゅうに はししました
The man suddenly began to run when he saw the policeman.


Japanese English
でる to leave
とつぜん suddenly
かお face
なく to cry
まんが comic
こえ voice
わらう to laugh
とまる to stop
きゅうに suddenly
うごく to move
けいさつかん police officer

Comparison: "〜はじめる" vs. "〜だす"

Both "〜だす" and "〜はじめる" mean "to start," but "〜はじめる" simply indicates the beginning of an action, while "〜だす" emphasizes that it happens suddenly or unexpectedly.

For example, "わらいはじめた" (started laughing) just notes the beginning of laughter, while "わらいだした" (burst into laughter) suggests that it happened suddenly or with a sense of surprise.

Similar Sentence Pattern

