① time of action
② the goal toward which things or people move
③ existence
④ direction of an action
⑤ purpose of movement
⑥ change
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1. Time of Action
「に」 indicates the specific time when an action occurs. It is used with nouns that denote time and typically precedes a verb.
毎日 10時に 寝ます。
I sleep at 10 o’clock every day.
明日 9時に 駅で 会いましょう。
Let’s meet at 9 o’clock at the station tomorrow.
3月に 国へ 帰ります。
I will go back to my country in March
2. The Goal Toward Which Things or People Move
「に」 indicates the destination or goal of movement. It shows where someone or something is headed.
来週 京都に 行きます。
I will go to Kyoto next week.
今日は 熱が ありますから 学校に 行きません。
I will not go to school because I have a fever today.
バスで 家に 帰ります。
I will go home by bus.
3. Existence
「に」 can indicate the location of existence for people, objects, or events. It is often used with verbs like 「いる」 (to be, for animate objects) and 「ある」 (to be, for inanimate objects).
部屋に ねこが います。
There is a cat in my room.
テーブルの 上に 本が あります。
There is a book on the table.
4. Direction of an Action
「に」 can also indicate the direction in which an action is performed. This usage is closely related to movement but emphasizes the target or goal of the action.
友達に 手紙を 送りました。
I sent a letter to my friend.
先生に 質問します。
I will ask a question to the teacher.
5. Purpose of Movement
「に」 can express the purpose of an action or movement. This use typically involves indicating why someone is going somewhere.
図書館に 勉強をしに 行きます。
I will go to the library to study.
買い物に 行きます。
I will go shopping.
6. Change
「に」 can indicate a change or transformation, marking the result of a process.
私は 医者に なりたいです。
I want to become a doctor.
Japanese | English |
えき | station |
くに | country |
かえる | to return |
ねつ | fever |