① The Direct Object of a Transitive Verb
- The most common use of 「を」 is to indicate the direct object, or the thing directly affected by the action of a verb. It tells us what is being acted upon in the sentence.
② Starting Point
- When paired with verbs that indicate moving away or leaving, such as でる (leave) or おりる (get off), 「を」 marks the point from which the action begins.
③ Passing Point
- 「を」 can also indicate a place that something or someone moves through or passes, often used with verbs like とおる (pass) or わたる (cross).
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Sample sentenes
1. The Direct Object of a Transitive Verb
今日は レストランで 晩ご飯を 食べます。
I will eat dinner in a restaurant tonight.
友達に 日本語を 教えます。
I will teach Japanese to my friend.
本を 読みます。
I will read books.
野菜を 買います。
I will buy vegetables.
2. Starting Point
家を 出ます。
I will leave my house.
バスを 降ります。
I will get off the bus.
3. Passing Point
道路を 渡ります。
I will cross the road.
黄色い バスが この道を 通ります。
The yellow bus will pass this street.
Japanese | English |
ばんごはん | dinner |
ともだち | friend |
ほん | book |
やさい | vegetable |
でる | to leave |
おりる | to get off |
どうろ | road |
わたる | to cross |
きいろい | yellow |
みち | street |
とおる | to pass |