Used to indicate an endpoint in time, space, or condition, and it can be translated as "until" or "up to." It is used to express a point where something ends or a goal is reached, and it appears frequently in time expressions, age references, and events or conditions that need to be fulfilled.
V(dictionary form) + まで
- Indicating Duration or Time: "〜まで" is used to show the time or period up to which an action or state continues.
- Expressing Conditions: When used with actions or events, "〜まで" implies that a certain condition or goal needs to be met before another action takes place.
- Range in Age or Quantity: It also frequently appears to indicate a specific age, amount, or limit up to which something occurs.
fa-check-circleJLPT Level
Sample sentenes
雨が やむまで 待ちます。
I will wait until it stops raining.
日本語が 上手になるまで 勉強し 続けます。
I will continue to study Japanese until I become good.
お金持ちに なるまで がんばって 働きます。
I will work hard until I become rich.
70歳まで 私は 働きたいです。
I want to work until I become 70 years old.
大学を 卒業するまで 日本に いるつもりです。
I intend to stay in Japan until I graduate from the university.
理想の 相手が 見つかるまで 結婚しません。
I won’t marry until I can find my ideal partner.
Japanese | English |
あめが やむ | to stop raining |
つづける | to continue |
りそう | ideal |
あいて | partner |
Comparison with "〜までに"
"〜まで" is different from "〜までに," which means "by" and emphasizes a deadline rather than an ongoing action until an endpoint.