【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜について(~nitsuite)
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Used to indicate a topic or subject of discussion. It translates to "about," "concerning," or "regarding" in English. This expression is often employed to introduce a specific subject that will be elaborated on or discussed in the context of a sentence.

N + について
V(dictionary form) + ことについて


  1. Indicating Topic: "〜について" specifies the subject matter or theme being referred to in conversation or writing.
  2. Formal and Informal Use: It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, making it versatile for various communication situations.
  3. Follows Nouns: This expression typically follows a noun or noun phrase that represents the topic.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

ジェームスさんの くにについて もっと りたいです。
I want to know more about James country.

いま 大学だいがくで 地震じしんについて 研究けんきゅうしています。
Im researching about earthquakes in college.

この 問題もんだいについて なにか 意見いけんがありますか。
Do you have any opinion about this problem?

日本人にほんじんの はたらきかたについて どうおもいますか。
What do you think about Japanese working style?

みなさんの くにの 宗教しゅうきょうについて おしえてください。
Please tell me about your countrys religions.

日本にほんの 大学だいがくについて 調しらべています。
I am researching about Japanese colleges.


Japanese English
じしん earthquake
もんだい problem
いけん opinion
しゅうきょう religion
