Used to clarify the meaning, interpretation, or implication of a word, phrase, or concept. It translates as “it means…” or “it has the meaning of…” and is often employed to explain the intended meaning behind statements or terms.
- Clarification of Meaning: "〜という意味だ" is used to define or explain what something means, particularly when the meaning might not be obvious to the listener.
- Interpreting Implications: It can convey not just literal definitions but also intended implications or nuances.
- Common in Explanations: This phrase is frequently used in explanations or descriptions to ensure understanding of unfamiliar words or ideas.
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Sample sentenes
これは タバコを すってはいけないと いう 意味だ。
This means that you must not smoke.
これは ゴミを すててはいけないと いう 意味だ。
This means that you must throw away your garbage.
これは 写真を とってはいけないと いう 意味だ。
This means that you must not take photos.
これは 食べたり 飲んだりしてはいけないと いう 意味だ。
This means that you must not eat and drink.
これは まっすぐ行けと いう 意味だ。
This means that you should go straight.
これは 入るな いう 意味だ。
This means that you must not enter.
Japanese | English |
いみ | meaning |
すてる | to throw away |
まっすぐ | straight |
はいる | to enter |