【JLPT N1 Grammar】〜なりに / 〜なりの(~narini / ~narino)

Explanation:〜なりに / 〜なりの

"〜にふさわしい程度ていどに / 〜見合みあった程度に"

Used to indicate that something is done or exists in a way that is appropriate, suitable, or characteristic to a person, thing, or situation. It can be translated as "in one's own way," "in its own way," or "in a way that suits (someone or something)" in English. This phrase emphasizes that even though the result may not be perfect or the best, it is still appropriate given the context or the person involved.

V(plain form)+ なりに / なりのN
イA(plain form) + なりに / なりのN
ナA + なりに / なりのN
N + なりに + なりのN


  1. In One's Own Way: "〜なりに" shows that someone is doing something according to their own capabilities, limitations, or style.
  2. Limited by Context: It often implies that the action or state is within a certain context or limitation, such as age, ability, or level.
  3. Polite and Considerate: This expression is often used in a respectful manner, acknowledging the effort or characteristics of someone or something, even if it’s not ideal.
  4. 〜なりの modifies a noun, describing the specific characteristics or qualities that suit the context or individual.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

わたしなりに頑張がんばって勉強べんきょうしたが、JLPT N1には合格ごうかくできなかった。
I studied hard in my own way, but I couldn’t pass the JLPT N1.

Adults may have many worries, like raising children or work, but children also have their own worries in their own way.

Even wealthy people have their own kind of worries.

My family is poor, but we live happily in our own way.

He is doing his best in his own way.


子育て こそだて to bring up children / parenting
悩み なやみ worries
