【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜みたいだ (~mitaida)
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Used to convey conjecture or guesswork based on observation, similar to "it seems like" or "it looks like" in English. This usage is often based on evidence perceived through the senses, implying that the speaker is making a reasoned guess rather than stating a confirmed fact.

Verb(plain form) + みたいだ
い-adjective(plain form)+ みたいだ
な-adjective + みたいだ
Noun + みたいだ


  1. Expressing Assumptions: This expression is used to show that the speaker is making an assumption or guess based on what they’ve seen or heard, rather than confirmed information.
  2. Subjective Observation: "〜みたいだ" typically conveys a sense of personal impression or interpretation, adding a subjective nuance to the statement.
  3. Casual Tone: It is more casual compared to similar expressions like "ようだ" making it common in everyday conversation.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

あそこで 事故じこが あったみたいです
It seems like there was an accident at the site.

かれは おなかが いているみたいです
He seems hungry.

あたまが いたいし、からだも あついし、ねつが あるみたいだ
I have a headache, feels hot, and seems to have a fever.

キムさんは 最近さいきんいそがしい みたいだ
Tom seems to be busy lately.

二人ふたりは 最近さいきん はなさないし、わかれた みたいだ
They haven't been talking lately, and it seems like they broke up.

トムさん、すごく うれしそうだし、試験しけんに 合格ごうかくしたみたいだね
Tom seems really happy; it looks like he passed the exam.

あのレストランは 人が たくさん ならんでいるし、人気にんきがある みたいです
That restaurant seems to be popular; there are a lot of people lining up.

かれは 昨日きのう あまり てないみたいだ
He seems like he didn't sleep much yesterday.


Japanese English
事故 じこ accident
ねつ fever
別れる わかれる to break up
並ぶ ならぶ to line up
