【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜らしい(~rashii):guesswork
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Used to convey a guess or assumption based on indirect evidence, hearsay, or one's own impression. It suggests that the speaker does not know for sure but has some reason to believe something is likely true, often from what they have observed or heard from others. In English, it can translate to "it seems," "it appears," or "apparently.

Verb(plain form)+らしい
い-adjective(plain form)+らしい
な-adjective(plain form)+らしい ※ナA + らしい
N(plain form)+ らしい  ※N + らしい


  1. Conveying Uncertain Information: This expression communicates a sense of speculation, typically when the speaker is not fully certain but has some basis for their guess.
  2. Based on Indirect Information: The guess is often based on secondhand information, general impressions, or visual cues rather than firsthand knowledge.
  3. Flexible in Tone: "〜らしい" can be used both formally and informally, depending on the context, and is common in everyday conversation when discussing hearsay or impressions.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

明日あしたは あめらしいです。
It seems like it will rain tomorrow.

最近さいきん いそがしいらしいね。
You seem busy lately.

あの レストランの ハンバーグは とっても おいしいらしいよ。
I heard the hamburgers at that restaurant are really good.

トムさんは 大学だいがくを 卒業そつぎょうらしいくにへ かえらしいよ。
Tom says he's going back to his country after he graduates from college.

あたらしい 先生せんせいは 英語えいごと 中国語ちゅうごくごが ペラペラらしいよ。
I heard that the new teacher is fluent in English and Chinese.

週末しゅうまつ学校がっこうで パーティーが あるらしいけど、キムさんは 参加さんかするの?
I heard that there is a party at the school this weekend, are you going to attend?


Japanese English
卒業する そつぎょうする to graduate
参加する さんかする to attend
