Used to indicate that something is either happening continuously, or that there is an abundance of a certain thing or action. In English, it often translates to "only," "just," or "nothing but," highlighting an excess or exclusivity.
Verb(te form) + ばかり
N + ばかり
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Sample sentenes
友達は いつも ゲームしてばかりいる。
My friend is always just playing games.
私の 父は 休みの日に いつも、テレビを 見てばかりいます。
My father always just watches TV on his days off.
食べて ばかりいると、太りますよ。
If you keep eating all the time, you'll gain weight.
遊んでばかりいないで、勉強も しなさい。
Don't just play all the time, study too.
山田先生は いつも 怒ってばかりで、授業が 楽しくない。
Mr. Yamada is always just angry, so the class isn't enjoyable.
友達は 旅行中、セルフィーばかりしていました。
My friend was taking selfies all the time during their trip.
トムさんは 文句ばかりで、全然 宿題を してこない。
Tom just complains all the time and never does his homework.
甘い物ばかり 食べていると、虫歯に なるよ。
If you only eat sweets, you'll get cavities.
Japanese | English | |
文句 | もんく | complaint |
甘い物 | あまいもの | sweets |
虫歯 | むしば | cavity |