【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜すぎる(~sugiru)
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"too much / excessive"

Used in Japanese to indicate that something is excessive or done too much. It conveys the idea that an action or state has gone beyond the normal or acceptable limit, often leading to negative consequences.

V(masu form)ます + すぎる
イA + すぎる
ナA + すぎる


  1. Indicates Excessiveness: "〜すぎる" is used to describe something that is overdone or beyond a reasonable amount.
  2. Applies to Verbs and Adjectives: It can be attached to both verbs and adjectives to show that an action or quality is excessive.
  3. Negative Connotation: Most of the time, "〜すぎる" has a negative implication, suggesting that the excess is undesirable or problematic.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

1. V(masu form)ます + すぎる

さっき からい 料理りょうりを すぎたので、いま おなかが いたいです。
I have a stomachache now because I ate too much spicy food  a little while ago.

昨日きのう 飲すぎたので、いまあたまが いたいです。
I have a headache because I drank too much yesterday.

先週せんしゅう ものすぎたので、いま おかねがありません。
I dont have money now because I bought too much stuff last week.

このアニメは 面白おもしろすぎて何回なんかいも てしまいます。
I cant help watching this anime many times because this is too funny.

かなすぎていま、 なにもできないです。
I cant do anything now because I am too sad.

2. イA + すぎる

中級ちゅうきゅうの 日本語にほんごは むずかすぎて全然ぜんぜんわかりません。
I cant understand intermediate Japanese at all because it is too difficult.

先生せんせいの 授業じゅぎょうは つまらなすぎてねむいです。
I am very sleepy because my teachers class is too boring.

I can't concentrate because I am very sleepy.

そとは さむすぎるので、かけたくないです。
I dont want to go out because it is too cold outside.

日本にほんに きたいんですが、チケットが たかすぎて けません。
I want to go to Japan but I cant go because the flight ticket is too expensive.

3. ナA + すぎる

ジョンさんは しずすぎて全然ぜんぜん おもしろくないです。
John is not interesting because he is too quiet.

ジェシカさんは 綺麗きれいすぎるので、はなすとき 緊張きんちょうします。
Jessica is too beautiful so when I talk with her, I become nervous.


Japanese English
からい spicy
りょうり cuisine
かなしい sad
ちゅうきゅう intermediate
じゅぎょう class
ねむい sleepy
しゅうちゅうする to concentrate
きんちょうする to get nervous
