"I want to do"
Used to express a desire or wish to do something. It is commonly used in conversation to indicate what one wants to do and is an essential part of polite speech.
Structure | Example |
V(masu form) |
たべたい、のみたい、いきたい、みたい |
- Expression of Desire: "〜たいです" conveys the speaker's wish or desire regarding an action. It’s equivalent to saying "I want to [verb]" in English.
- Verb Conjugation: To use this expression, the verb must be conjugated into its "ます-form," and then the suffix "たい" is added.
- Common Usage: This structure is widely used in both spoken and written Japanese, making it very versatile for everyday situations.
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Sample sentenes
いつか 富士山に 登りたいです。
One day, I want to climb Mt. Fuji.
日本に いる間に、一度相撲を 見てみたいです。
I want to watch a Sumo match while living in Japan.
お金が たくさん あったら、どこへ 旅行に 行きたいですか。
Where do you want to go If you have a lot of money?
もっと 日本語を 上手に 話したいです。
I want to speak Japanese better.
今晩は 日本料理を 食べたいです。
I want to eat Japanese cuisine for dinner.
頭が 痛いから、今日は どこにも 行きたくないです。
I don’t want to go anywhere because I have a headache.
両親に 会いたいです。
I want to meet my parents.
将来は 医者に なりたいです。
I want to be a doctor in the future.
Japanese | English |
いつか | someday / one day |
のぼる | to climb |
いちど | once |
りょこう | travel |
こんばん | tonight |
りょうしん | parents |
しょうらい | future |
いしゃ | doctor |