"have the experience of"
Used to indicate that someone has had the experience of doing a particular action at least once in the past. It emphasizes the past experience or action and is often used in conversation to share personal experiences.
V(Ta form) + ことがある
- Experience Indication: "〜たことがある" expresses that the speaker has experienced a certain action or event before. It can be translated as "have done [verb]" or "have the experience of [verb]" in English.
- Verb Conjugation: To use this expression, the verb must be conjugated into its past form (the "た-form") before adding "ことがある."
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Sample sentenes
私は 富士山に 登ったことがあります。
I have climbed Mt, Fuji.
アメリカに 行ったことがありますか。
Have you been to America?
日本に 住んでいるとき、相撲の 試合を 見たことがあります。
Have you watched a Sumo match when you were living in Japan?
私は 1回だけ、街で 有名人を 見たことがあります。
I have seen a celebrity once only in the city.
Japanese | English |
ふじさん | Mt. Fuji |
のぼる | to climb |
すもう | sumo |
しあい | game |
まち | city |
ゆうめいじん | celebrity |