【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜はじめる(~hajimeru)
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"begin to / start to"
Used to indicate the beginning of an action or state. It typically follows the masu-stem of a verb and expresses that something has started. It is commonly translated as "to start" or "to begin" in English.

V(masu form)ます + はじめる


  1. Expressing the Start of an Action: "〜はじめる" is used when something begins or starts happening.
  2. Verb Conjugation: It follows the masu-stem (the verb form before "ます") of the verb.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

来週らいしゅうから 韓国語かんこくごを 勉強べんきょうはじめる 予定よていです。
Im planning to start studying Korean language from next week.

にくの いろが わりはじめたら醤油しょうゆを くわえてください。
If the color of the meat starts to change, add the soy sauce.

さくら がはじめましたね
The cherry blossoms started blooming, didnt they?

あめが はじめたのでいそいで かえります。
Since it started raining, I hurried home.

先週せんしゅうから、日本語の 勉強べんきょうのために、日本の 音楽おんがくを はじめました
I have started listening to Japanese music for my Japanese studies since last week.


Japanese English
かんこくご Korean language
にく meat
いろ color
かわる to change
しょうゆ soy sauce
くわえる to add
さく to bloom
