"easy to do"
Used to indicate that something is easy to do. It attaches to the stem of a verb to describe the ease with which the action can be performed. It can be translated as "easy to" or "likely to" in English. This expression is commonly used to convey the simplicity or accessibility of an action or behavior.
V(masu form)ます + やすい
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Sample sentenes
この本は 字が 大きくて、読みやすいです。
The letters in this book are big, so it is easy to read.
このスマホは 操作が 簡単で、使いやすいです。
This smart phone is easy to use because the controls are simple.
山下先生の 授業は とても わかりやすいです。
Teacher Yamashita’s class is easy to understand.
田中さんは 優しくて、明るいので、話しやすいです。
It’s easy to talk with Tanaka because he is gentle and bright.
このペンは とても 使いやすいです。
This pen is very easy to use.
助詞「は」と 「が」は 間違いやすいので、注意してください。
The usage of the particles “wa” and “ga” are easily mistaken so, please be careful .
Japanese | English |
そうさ | operation |
じゅぎょう | class |
じょし | particle |
ちゅういする | to watch out |