【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜つもりだ(~tsumorida)
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"intend to do"

Used to express intention, plan, or assumption. It indicates that the speaker strongly believes they will do something or that something has been done to a certain standard. This expression can also convey the speaker's conviction about their actions or self-assessment of a state, even if others may perceive it differently.

V(plain form)+ つもりだ


  1. Intention or Plan: Indicates that the speaker plans or intends to perform an action.
  2. Self-Perception or Assumption: Can be used to describe how the speaker sees their own actions, even if others might not agree.
  3. Emotional Nuance: Often includes a sense of conviction or confidence about the speaker's intention or self-assessment.

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

わたしは 学校がっこうを 卒業そつぎょうしたら くにへ かえつもりです
I intend to go back to my home country after I graduate from school.

わたしは 週末しゅうまつに トムさんと 映画えいがを つもりです
I intend to watch a movie with Tom during the weekend.

明日あしたの パーティーには 出席しゅっせきしないつもりです
I dont intend to attend the party tomorrow.

週末しゅうまつ なにを するつもりですか
What do you intend to do during this weekend?

わたしは 来年らいねん 仕事しごとを めるつもりです
I intend to resign from my work next year.

かれは 明日あした 学校がっこうに ないつもりです
He doesnt intend to come to school tomorrow.


Japanese English
そつぎょうする to graduate
しゅうまつ weekend
しゅっせきする to attend
やめる to resign

Difference from "〜予定よていだ"

While both expressions can indicate a plan, "〜つもりだ" is more subjective and personal, often involving the speaker’s feelings or self-image. "〜予定よていだ" is more formal and objective, simply stating a scheduled plan.
