【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜ていただけませんか(~teitadakemasenka)
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"please do something for me."

A polite and respectful way of making a request. Often used in formal situations or when speaking to someone of higher status, it softens the request, making it sound considerate and deferential.

V(te form) + ていただけませんか


  1. Politeness and Respect: "〜ていただけませんか" is a formal expression that shows deference and respect.
  2. Indirect Request: It indirectly asks someone to do something, making it sound less demanding and more courteous.
  3. Higher-Status Use: Suitable for addressing superiors, customers, or those you’re meeting for the first time.

JLPT Level

The casual way of saying "〜ていただけませんか" is "〜てくれない"

polite 〜ていただけませんか
normal 〜てくれませんか
casual 〜てくれない

Sample sentenes

すみませんが、ちょっと 手伝てつだていただけませんか
Excuse me, could you please help me out a bit?

先生せんせい、この漢字かんじの かたを おしていただけませんか
Teacher, could you please teach me how to read this kanji?

すみません、ここから えきへの かたを おしていただけませんか
Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?

先生せんせい、とても さむいので、エアコンを ていただけませんか
Teacher, could you please turn off the air conditioner because it is too cold.

Sorry. Could you please lend me money because I forgot my wallet.


Japanese English
てつだう to help
よみかた how to read
いきかた how to go
さいふ wallet
かす to lend

Comparison:"〜ていただけませんか" vs. "〜てくれませんか"

While both are polite, "〜ていただけませんか" is more formal and respectful than "〜てくれませんか," which is friendly but less formal.


まどを あけてくれませんか。 (Could you open the window?) — Less formal.

まどを あけていただけませんか。 (Could you please open the window?) — Formal and respectful.
