【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜ために(~tameni)
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"in order to"

Used to indicate purpose or reason for an action. It connects an action or event to its goal, or to explain why something is done. Depending on the context, it can express either "in order to" or "for the sake of."

V(dictionary form) + ために
Nの + ために


  1. Expresses Purpose or Goal: "〜ために" shows the purpose or aim of an action, often translated as "in order to."
  2. Indicates a Reason: It can also indicate the reason for something, often translated as "for the sake of" or "because of."
  3. Noun and Verb Use: "〜ために" can follow both nouns and verbs.

JLPT Level

① Verbs that include volition is used.
② V1 ために V2, V1 and V2 in this structure take the same subject.

Sample sentenes

来年らいねん 日本にほんで はたらために いま 日本語にほんごを 勉強べんきょうしています。
I study Japanese in order to work in Japan next year.

漢字かんじを おぼえるために たくさん ノートに いて 練習れんしゅうします。
I will practice writing many kanji characters in my notebook in order to memorize it.

つぎの 試合しあいで ために 毎日まいにち 5時間じかん 練習れんしゅうしています。
I practice 5 hours everyday in order to win the next match.

家族かぞくの ために がんばって はたらきます。
I will work hard for my family.

健康けんこうの ために 毎日まいにち 野菜やさいを べています。
I eat vegetables everyday for my health.

面接めんせつの ために あたらしい スーツを いました。
I bought a new suit for my interview.


Japanese English
おぼえる to memorize
しあい game / match
つぎ next
れんしゅうする to practice
けんこう health
めんせつ interview


1. "〜ために" vs. "〜ように"

"〜ために" expresses purpose (doing something in order to achieve a goal).

"〜ように" is often used to express hope or intention, and is less direct.


(I study every day in order to pass.)

(I study every day so that I can pass.)

2. "〜ために" vs. "〜から"

"〜ために" expresses a reason related to purpose or benefit, while "〜から" is more straightforward and casual, simply giving the reason or cause.


将来しょうらいのために、いま がんばっています。
(I’m working hard now for the sake of the future.)

将来しょうらいが 心配しんぱいだから、いま がんばっています。
(I’m working hard now because I’m worried about the future.)

Similar Sentence Pattern

