① The state of objects being badly damaged.
② the state of clothes being torn badly
③ The state of body and mind being exhausted
④ The state of small particles spilling out of something.
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この さんこうしょ すごい オススメですよ。わたしが がくせいのころ、ボロボロになるまで つかいこみました。
I highly recommend this reference book. When I was a student, I used it until it was old and tattered.
わたしの いえは みためは ボロボロですが、なかは とても きれいですよ。
My house looks like a wreck, but it's very clean inside.
まいにち、ざんぎょうばかりで、もう からだが ボロボロだ。
I've been working overtime every day, and my body is already falling apart.