【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜よていだ(~yoteida)


Used to indicate a fixed plan or schedule for the future. It is equivalent to saying "I am scheduled to ~" or "I plan to ~" in English. This phrase is typically used when something has already been arranged or when there is a definite plan, making it sound more certain than expressions like "〜ようとおもっている."

V(dictionary form)+ よていだ
N + のよていだ


  1. Definite Plan or Schedule: "〜予定よていだ" is used to convey a solid plan or arrangement, often implying that the details have already been decided.
  2. Time-Specific: This phrase is usually used with specific time frames, such as "tomorrow," "next week," or "in two days," to indicate when the plan will take place.
  3. Neutral Politeness: The expression is straightforward and neutral in tone, making it appropriate for both casual and formal contexts, depending on the ending (e.g., "〜です" for formality).

JLPT Level

Sample sentenes

来週らいしゅうは アメリカへ 出張しゅっちょうの 予定よてい
I am scheduled to go on a business trip to America next week.

夏休なつやすみは 両親りょうしんが 日本にほんに る 予定よてい
My parents are planning to come to Japan during  Summer vacation.

明日あしたの よるは 彼女かのじょと 映画えいがを る 予定よてい
I am planning to watch a movie with my girlfriend tomorrow night.

大学だいがくを 卒業そつぎょうしたら くにへ かえる 予定よていです
I am planning to go back to my country after I graduate college.

ぼくたちは 来年らいねん 結婚けっこんする 予定よていです
We are planning to get married next year.


Japanese English
しゅっちょう business trip
りょうしん parents
そつぎょうする to graduate
ぼくたち we
